Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group (SARG) 

Donations to SARG


SARG receives no government funding. The only finances available to our group are raised by membership subscriptions, and through the efforts of our volunteer members.

If you have found this website useful, or believe that the work we do is worthy, then we would be grateful if you would consider making a donation to help us with our future efforts to preserve the county's herpetofauna. The amount of any donation is entirely up to you, even a donation as small as one pound will help to maintain this website for one week! For only six pounds, you can become a SARG member !


Money raised will also help to buy equipment used to benefit the animals, and to help with our educational programmes, by enabling us to buy:

  • Vivaria within which to temporarily house wild animals used for shows, lectures and children's activities.
  • Torches and nets for pond surveys.
  • Projector spares to help us to maintain our educational programme.
  • Production of advice sheets.
  • Equipment needed to manage suitable habitat, such as saws, waders and booms.
  • And will assist with a wide range of other expenses that enable us to do our work.

You can donate online, either through a PayPal account, or with a Credit or Debit Card by clicking the button below.

If you prefer; cheques can be submitted, made payable to 'SARG' and sent to the following address:

Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group,
10 Willow Vale,
Surrey KT22 9TE