The SARG Committee
The SARG Committee Team

Steve Langham
Chair & webmaster

'Panorama' Folly Hill,
Surrey GU9 0BD
Email: email
Steve is responsible for the generation and submission of SARG policy and planning to the committee for approval. He co-ordinates closely with the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (ARC) Trust and other key stakeholders. He has an interest in nature photography, particularly reptiles. Steve is also the SARG webmaster.
Kevin Morgan
Deputy Chair

120 Station Avenue,
West Ewell,
Surrey KT19 9UG
Tel: 020 8786 757
Email: email
Kevin is a naturalist with considerable experience from Antarctica to the Amazon, and from whale-watching to swimming with dolphins. He is also an ecological consultant, specialising in birds, reptiles and amphibians. He is a well respected speaker and organiser of ecologically sound tourist expeditions.
Rick Anstis
Secretary & County Recorder

Alyndahl, Hill Road
Surrey KT22 9SZ
Tel: 01372-801230
Email: email
Rick is Senior Lecturer in Procurement at The National School of Government. He is also a keen amateur naturalist, and is a published author on wildlife topics. He is Secretary of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group, and holds a licence for conservation work with endangered species.
Gareth Matthes
Events Officer

10 Bartholomew Close,
Surrey GU27 1EN
Email: email
Gareth is a self-employed herpetological consultant, and regularly assists with habitat management across the county. He has been a long-term supporter of SARG having held the posts of Chair and Amphibians Officer.
Jamel Guenioui
Reptiles Officer

Email: email
Jamel is a zoology graduate with a keen interest in herpetology. Due to his work as a ranger with the Surrey Wildlife Trust he has practical experience of the managgement of a variety of habitats. Jamel is SARG's focus for the reptile species, managing the survey and monitoring effort on behalf of SARG and ARC across the west Weald. He also runs the Rare Reptile Course, holds a Natural England licence for all rare reptile species and has an interest in wildlife photography.
Fiona Haynes
Wildlife Trusts Liaison

Email: email
Fiona provides a formal link between SARG and the Surrey Wildlife Trust. Fiona can provide insights to SWT's strategic goals, and is able to inform SWT of the capabilities that SARG can offer to conserve the county's reptile and amphibian populations.