Membership requirementsNo specialised knowledge is required. Anybody with enthusiasm or an interest is welcome ! There is no requirement to get involved with the work we do, but there are many ways anybody can help out if they wish. (survey, research, publicity, tool care, newsletter, work parties etc.). Contact any of the committee members listed on the 'Contacts' page to become more involved. |

Membership benefitsYou will receive our mailings of information and news of events in Surrey and further afield, and your money will help us in buying equipment, in spreading understanding, and in working to conserve the reptiles and amphibians of Surrey. You will be able to attend SARG activities reserved for SARG members, and receive preferential treatment for public events. You will have access to the restricted parts of the SARG website, reserved for members. Benefits include: detailed distribution maps, equipment guides, featured sites of herpetological interest. |
Activities includeA full list of activities can be found by clicking the 'Activities' button on the menu. All activities are geared towards the care and preservation of the county's amphibians and reptiles, with most being free to SARG members. Many members enjoy attending our training events, where you learn to spot, identify and record the animals. This often leads to members participating in one of the survey programmes co-ordinated by SARG, or just enjoying, and maybe photographing these secretive members of our country's wildlife. A wide range of winter activities provide a social experience, whilst assisting with habitat management for the animals. |