The Surrey amphibian and reptile group is a non-profit-making wildlife conservation organisation, based in the United Kingdom's county of Surrey. SARG focuses on the care and preservation of wild, native reptiles and amphibians.
SARG was established in 1987 by people with an interest in Surrey's reptiles and amphibians. Surrey is very fortunate in being home to all of the UK's native species of reptiles and amphibians, including the very rare Smooth Snake and Great Crested Newt, and we want to see these creatures thrive in the County.
We are a mixture of hobbyists, scientists, and conservationists; amateurs and professionals, committed to sharing knowledge and understanding of these much-misunderstood and endangered animals.
We are affiliated to Surrey Wildlife Trust, and form part of the national ARG-UK network. We work voluntarily to prevent habitat destruction and resist damaging planning applications. We give advice to residents and organisations, work with schools and educational bodies, and help with numerous "toad-crossing" sites throughout Surrey.